Sunday, 11 November 2012

Manny visits Blues at Bridgetown

Woo hoo! What a great weekend with heaps of music and food to enjoy all weekend! Haven't been to Blues at Bridgetown for years - has really grown and grown.

Now, my type of music might not be yours but there was a huge variety to choose from. Saw the Scottie Miller Band, Mojo Webb, Mia Dyson, Minnie Marks, Shaun Kirk, the Rick Steele Band and the Mason Rack Band. To catch all the acts you needed to move from venue to venue but all good fun dodging people on the way!

Listening to music all day long not your scene? Then make sure you are there for the Saturday as that's when they have the free Blues Street Party when you can enjoy lots of the acts for free. Fabulous local shops are open with lots of market stalls to browse and activities for the kids.

Keep the 2nd weekend in November 2013 free and I'll see you there!

CTS - where your training matters

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Quality Auditing Skill Set Training - 17th to 19th Ocober 2012

Manny tried to help Orlando with his Quality Auditing Skill Set class that started today but it was decided his services were not wanted!

Never mind Manny, the students had a great time without you!!

The students on this week's course came from a varied industry range which led to some interesting discussions and, I hear, the many ways of blowing things up was raised quite frequently!

We like to keep our class sizes to a minimum so our students can really benefit from the one-on-one training available to them. We are proud that more than 25 students have completed the four units of the Quality Auditing Skill Set since we started training in it - that's a lot more internal auditors in and around the Bunbury area than there was before!

Interested in being in the 2013 intake? We are holding courses in March. June, September and December so call us now to book your spot!

CTS - where your training matters

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Skill Set for Mining Supervisors happening in the Pilbara

Managing Director John Williams has travelled to Tom Price this week to deliver our 2 day Skill Set for Mining Supervisors course to 11 students on the mine site.

John really enjoys his visits to site as one of his earlier career moves was to Tom Price so he gets to see what's been hapening in the town and catch up with any friends that still live there.

As these students opted for the 2 day course they will need to submit additional assessments in the coming weeks - complete the 3 day course and almost all of these assessments are covered in the last day.

Do your site supervisors need these skills? This course provides the necessary knowledge and skills for those new to a supervisory type role and for those who wish to consolidate their on site applications. Subject matter includes S44/Duty of Care obligations, risk management, the transition from technical to interpersonal skills, becoming a leader, conflict resolution and supervising on-site operations.

This couse can be delivered in a number of ways but is best suited to a face to face workshop to ensure the understanding and consolidation of the key aspects of leadership from a safety and operational perspective.

Call us on 9791 6611 or contact our Training Manager Rahbia Sultani if you would like to know more about how we can help your supervisors attain excellent skills.

CTS - where your training matters

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Click Colours now available through CTS

Managing Director John Williams is now an accredited Click! Colours facilitor so give us a call if you would like him to undertake this training with you or your staff.

We incorporate this training in our Safety Representative communication module for our Safety Reps and they are eally enjoying it. Lots of discussion and figuring out what "type" of personality they and their coworkers and classroom colleagues are leads to lots of fun and laughter.

Communicate in this way:

Analysers - Explain the logic behind your words and actions and back it up with research and statistics if needed. BE LOGICAL

Safekeepers - Be clear, organised and punctual and take in to account possible risks. BE ORGANISED

Carers - Be freindly and genuine, express your feelings and show empathy for others. SHOW EMPATHY

Players - Make it fun, exciting and energetic for them and let them be creative. MAKE IT FUN

CTS - where your training matters

Friday, 28 September 2012

Manny walks to work on National Walk to Work Day for the second year

Manny enjoyed himself so much last year walking to work that he decided to do it again this year! Mind you, if he walked a bit more often to work then he'd be more toned than he is at the moment. But, that would mean that one of us would have to take him home each night so he could walk to work as he usually lives in our confined space!

A beautiful day in Bunbury this year, here he is at the Inlet just enjoying the sun and taking in the view.

Good on you Manny for making the effort! I think you might have been the only one this year to remember to do this!

CTS - where your training matters

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

How CTS compares with the latest ABS Labour Mobility Survey statistics

The latest labour mobility survey from the Australian Bureau of Statistics has been released and I thought I'd see if the staff at CTS fit these stats or not! There's a article on these statistics at HC online.

Our current staff commenced on these dates:

Karen Williams (Director) - August 1998 (14 years 1 month)
John Williams (Director) - August 1998 (14 years 1 month)
Jeanette Denham - January 2008 (4 years 8 months)
Sally Wright - March 2008 (4 years 6 months)
Lisa Donaldson - July 2009 (3 years 2 months)
Orlando Fazzolari - July 2010 (2 years 2 months)
John Bromham - July 2010 (2 years 2 months)
Rahbia Sultani - February 2011 (1 year 7 months)
Angela Bruce - March 2011 (1 year 6 months)
Tracy Mepham - June 2012 (3 months)
Denise Barnard - September 2012

So, with 81% of our workforce having been in their job for fewer than five years, we fall outside of the national statistics! (They found that 56% of workers have been in their jobs for fewer than five years.)

How does your company stack up?

CTS - where your training matters

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Manny's update on Managing Director John Williams

Our Managing Director, John, has been extremely busy since I introduced you to him in January this year. The best thing though is that I'm seeing a lot more of him than in previous years!

Up until about July he was still flying in and out of Port Hedland coaching every second week at BHP. He's been doing that for 3 years so it's about time he had a break so he only goes up there every now and then although the other John is still doing regular stints.

Without this commitment he has been able to devote more time to sourcing new business and doing classroom training for our bigger clients and one-on-one training with some of our students - areas in which he excels and enjoys. He's one of our main trainers in the Skill Set for Mining Supervisors and the course is proving really popular in the South West at the moment (he's off to Tom Price next month) so there must be more mining activity in the pipeline, which can only be good for the WA economy.

He and Karen really enjoy getting out of the office and training on sites that necessitate the taking of the CTS caravan. July saw them in Boddington training in the 5 day Safety Representative course and also conducting audits in Manjimup and Albany. You may remember seeing my blog of our trip to the Stirling Range National Park towards the end of that month - we had a great time. In fact, John and Karen are off again at the end of this week to undertake safety audits in Manjimup and Albany but they've said I can't tag along - never mind, I'll find something else to do.

Although John's calendar is pretty full, he is always happy to talk to past, present and future students and clients so just give him a call (9791 6611), email him or contact him through his LinkedIn account.

CTS - where your training matters

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

TAE40110 Conducting Group Training is on this week

Facilitator Jeanette Denham
Our dedicated group of students is continuing to attend workshops to complete their TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment in record time with the next one being on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

The Conducting Group Training workshop is built around the units BSBCMM401A Make a presentation and TAEDEL401A Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning and, as with the others, has a classroom component and an on-line component. Attendance is not compulsory at the workshops as all learning can be done on-line but it does help, especially if you are new to the training area.

As I've mentioned before, the beauty of the way we have structured this course means that after completing the common on-line module you can commence with any group of units. A "new" student commenced at the last workshop and another "new" student is commencing at this workshop. A couple of students are currently completing the on-line module so hopefully we will see them at the next workshop which is scheduled in October. An added bonus is that as everyone is at a different stage or competency in their learning they are able to help other students understand any concepts they may be having difficulty with if the trainer is busy with someone else.

REMEMBER, you can commence groups of units in any order once you have completed the common module so look at the dates and see what will fit your busy schedule.

Designing Training (2 units) - 02/10/2012 or 10/12/2012
Conducting Workplace Training (2 units) - 29/10/2012 & 30/10/2012
Conducting Group Training (2 units) - 12/09/2012 & 13/09/2012 or 20/11/2012 & 21/11/2012
Assessing Nationally Recognised Training (also known as the Assessor Skill Set) (3 units) - 23/10/2012 & 24/10/2012 or 26/11/2012 & 27/11/2012

Call 9791 6611, view our website or email us if you would like any further information.

CTS - where your training matters

Monday, 10 September 2012

Manny's take on Finance and Compliance Officer Tracy Mepham

Tracy started with CTS in June 2012 and helps Karen and Sally with the finance and student contract areas. She has managed really well to juggle all the different things that get passed her way - I haven't heard her say "no" once!

Before coming to work with us Tracy was a small business owner but I think she is enjoying (at the moment) not having to make all of the decisions all of the time. From Wyalkatchem originally she has the loud farmers voice and laugh (for reaching the end of the paddock) so if you're down the front of the building and you can hear laughing it is sure to be her as she has a great sense of humour as well. Mind you, she seems to be taking her time to warm towards me but I'm sure I can change that!

Although Tracy has only been with us for 3 months she showed her true mettle at the staff day in July. Not only was she a dab hand at the drums but she was on the winning team - I think she has a fairly competitive streak so watch out the rest of you! Mind you, she didn't take the time to come inside and talk to me on the night but then again, neither did anyone else. What good is it being the mascot of CTS if you're just ignored all the time? Maybe I need to get my job descriptor changed . . . . . . . . . .

Tracy is well suited to her position at CTS as she has completed the Certificate IV in Business Management and attended just about all of the MYOB courses run through Ebiz Solutions here in Bunbury.

In her spare time Tracy enjoys gardening, socialising (in restaurants and pubs), travelling to far off exotic places and kayaking.

CTS - where your training matters

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Manny helps out at the Safety Representative Course this week

This week we have a full class (12) in our Safety Representative course so it's fairly crowded in the training room. I've been helping Orlando and John Williams with their delivery but I have been relegated to a seat down the back!

Tomorrow John Bromham and Lisa Donaldson will be involved in the training so I hope that they too remember that I am there to offer assistance and am not just a pretty face!

Our students are from the health, engineering, construction and electrical industries so we have a mixed bag this course. Always so much better to have a number of industries represented as there are lots of different view points being made.

Due to demand, we have had to schedule another course this month so if you would like to attend, we are offering the training between the 24th and 28th September - just before the Long Weekend.

Call in 9791 6611 or email to secure your place.

CTS - where your training matters

Friday, 31 August 2012

Safety Rep Course running 3rd to 7th September 2012

Our ever popular Safety and Health Representative course is being held next week. Four trainers will be facilitating to ensure we cover all student learning styles and add variety to the learning experience!

This class is full to capacity so we have had to schedule ANOTHER course from the 24th to 28th September 2012 to cope with the overflow.

We've only just started advertising this new course date so be sure and get your enrolment in before it too is bursting at the seams!!

Call us 9791 6611 or email (Psst If you visit The Best of Bunbury website you can get a voucher that gives you a $150 discount - limited numbers available)

This interactive five day course provides the essential knowledge and skills that elected Safety Representatives and other relevant supervisory or management personnel require to work within legislation. Complete the course and you will receive your Statement of Attendance. Complete the course and the out-of-class assessment tasks set and you will also receive a Statement of Attainment for six of the units within the Certificate III in Occupational Health and Safety.

Morning tea, a light lunch, afternoon tea, a comprehensive workbook AND a bonus Hand-Pressing Flashlight are included in the cost of the course.

CTS - where your training matters

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Manny attends Moodle training

Hiding down the back but still concentrating hard!
Manny and eight of the CTS team started their Moodle training today with Pukunui Technology 's trainer Darlene - she took a photo to prove it!!

We've been using Moodle for a couple of years and slowly updating online courses. Demand has become so high for this training method that we are training up all staff to be able to create courses, enrol students and mark assessments - depending on their skill levels and areas of expertise. We can see huge potential in all aspects of the training we have received so far and are really excited to see what will evolve tomorrow!

With all the larger than life personalities in the room today, it was a mammoth task for Darlene to keep us on track but she coped admirably - hope she gets a good nights sleep tonight and is ready for another onslaught in the morning!

CTS - where your training matters

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Manny busily refurbishs our training room

Staff chair building excercise was on this afternoon - 12 new chairs for the training room. John "ikead" 3 of them earlier in the week but not quite enough for the training tomorrow - isn't it amazing that he is up at Finucane Island just when he is needed most????

 We had a huge office shuffle around last week and we are just loving the new look and who we are now sharing offices with! Couldn't do all that and not update the training room. 

Can you spot me???

CTS - where your training matters

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Manny enjoys the 1200th qualification celebration

We had a celebration today! 

We have issued more than 1200 qualifications since we began in 2002. Donna (sitting front right) was the lucky student to take out this honour and she travelled down from Perth today to celebrate with us. Thank you so much Donna and all the very best in your new career.

As well as being a great reason for us to have cake, it has enabled us to sit back and think about all we have achieved. John and Karen are proud of how their dream to be the "best" training and coaching organisation has become a reality. It has also shown us where our strengths as an organisation lie and what is still current in the workplace as far as training goes.

So, we currently specialise in training in Occupational Health and Safety, Vocational training (TAE), Human Resources, Management and Resource Processing. We believe that doing a few things really well and having a name for excellence are far better than trying to cover multiple learning areas and maybe not being so great at it. You can be sure that we are continuously improving our delivery strategies and methods in response to feedback we receive from corporate and individual clients. If you have feedback, positive or negative, PLEASE let us know so that we can continue to improve.

CTS - where your training matters

Monday, 27 August 2012

Manny celebrates issuing 1200 nationally recognised qualifications since 2002

We're celebrating tomorrow!!!

CTS recently issued our 1200th qualification since becoming an RTO in 2002. We're pretty happy with this achievement both for ourselves and for our successful students - I'm still working on mine so I am just happy for all of us!

If you've studied through CTS or are thinking that you might like to, then come on down and see us on Tuesday (tomorrow)! We'll have cake in the morning and choccie bikkies in the afternoon! PLUS we'll have "freebies" like caps, torches, stubby holders and pens to give away all day.

So, come on down and make sure you say Manny sent you!
CTS - where your training matters

Thursday, 23 August 2012

TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment - Conducting Workplace Training Workshop

Jeanette Denham is kept really busy building our online courses and facilitating workshops in the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. This qualification reflects the role of individuals delivering training and assessment services in the vocational education and training (VET) sector. Today and tomorrow she is taking students through the learning outcomes of TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction and TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace.

As you can see, we keep our class sizes small to ensure that each student receives individualised training and because of this we have a high course completion rate as well as a great referral rate!!

Now that we have restructured our course, students are finding that if they work steadily that they can complete their qualification within two to three months - a great outcome for both them and us!! More and more often, online learning is being requested by prospective students and we are really happy to assist them with this service for this qualification.

Call (9791 6611), email (, message ( or comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible with any information that you need.

CTS - where your training matters

Monday, 6 August 2012

TAE40110 - Designing Training workshop held today

Jeanette Denham
Our first group of students commenced the new TAE40110 Designing Training workshop today. All had completed the compulsory online common module that takes them through the common components of the course to ensure they have an understanding of the underpinning knowledge of the qualification so they were up to "speed" as soon as the day started.

Jeanette Denham facilitated the training and also created the new course layout and she said she was very happy with the way the day went. The two units covered in this workshop are TAEDES401A Design and develop learning programs and TAEDES402A Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs. There are another eight (8) units that need to be completed before our students can be awarded the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

The best thing about our new course is that once you have completed the online common module you can commence your study with any of the four workshops. We have TAE40110 - Conducting Workplace Training scheduled for the 23rd and 24th August 2012 (2 units), TAE40110 - Conducting Group Training on the 12th and 13th September 2012 (2 units) and TAE40110 - Assessing Nationally Recognised Training on the 23rd, 24th and 25th October 2012 (3 units). This last workshop is also a skill set of its own - the Workplace Assessor Skill Set. One unit will still need to be completed and this can either be done online or it may be possible to credit transer (at nil cost) one unit from an approprate existing qualification you hold.

Additional dates for all the workshops will be advertised soon so call us on 9791 6611 to get started on your VET training career.

CTS - where your training matters

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Manny is thankful July is over

Thank goodness July is over - it has been such an expensive month for me!

Four of the CTS team had their birthdays this month - John B, Karen, Rahbia and Sally - and buying each a pressie on my limited budget really stretched it!

AND, my mate Sheryl had her farewell lunch at Mangroves Cafe as well!

Ever had one of those months that you just don't want to repeat? Well this is mine but guess what, it's going to happen again next year and the year after. Oh well . . . . .

CTS - where your training matters

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Manny misses the staff party

Hanging out at the cold fire pit
Yesterday we had our staff party but I stayed inside out of the cold - nobody wanted me on their team anyway!

Whilst John and Karen slept the day away I tidied up, watered the garden, feed the fish and basked in the sun. After all that, I definitely deserved a long cool beverage in front of the unlit fire pit!

Trying to get the Mighty Boy started
Couldn't wait for John forever so tried to get the Mighty Boy started. Lots of engine turning over so before I could even get out of the yard, John came storming out of the house telling me I couldn't go off for a drive. Something about my blood alcohol level??? I also think he might have been worried that my drivers license had lapsed and the car wasn't mine! Ever safety conscious is our John.

Anyway, they soon took me back to the office and my confined space so that was the end of my weekend. I heard a rumour that the Christmas party is at the races this year so I'm hoping to get an invite. John? John?

CTS - where your training matters

Saturday, 28 July 2012

CTS mid-year Staff party

Yay!!!! That time of year again when we all get to let our hair down and have a great time!!!

About two months ago Directors John and Karen decided that it was time we had another get together as it was November last year when we last had a staff "do". A choice of dates was given and the majority won!
The Winner - Cowboys and Indians

We (and any partners that could make it) gathered around 3.00pm with no idea what we would be getting in to - the "red herring" was specific clothing so there was a lot of speculation about what it would be. Just comfy ended up being the answer! Drinks and nibbles greeted us on arrival - very nice, thank you. Once the majority of us arrived it was down to business.

Split in to three teams - Platinum, The Confirmed Heterosexuals and The Beat Sally Team - the challenges began. We had to pick the staff facial feature (how many of your workmates ears, eyes and noses do you stare at?), discover whose secret was whose and build a theme in playdoh. The Beat Sally Team won the day but it was more by underhanded means and luck than actual skill! Prizes were handed out to winners and losers alike so no-one went home empty handed.
The afternoon was still young so we knew something else would have to be happening! Not being wrong, Megan from Dindindi Drums arrived to provide a drumming session. Great fun but not all of us are as rhythmic as we think we are! With us all sitting in a circle and a patio heater in the middle we thought we were very tribal indeed!

Time to eat! John excelled once again on the webber with beef and chicken and Natural Temptations provided the salads. Always masses of food to eat so it wasn't long before we were all sitting around the various "fire pits" getting warm,holding long and in-depth conversations and nursing full stomachs with drinks! The evening ended about 10.30pm when the last of the stragglers went home.

Thanks again to Karen and John for yet another fun-filled, team-building Staff party.

We're going to the Races for Christmas - can't wait!!!

CTS - where your training matters

Friday, 27 July 2012

CTS Staff Meeting and Photo Shoot

It is not often that we can gather all our staff members in one place at one time as so many of them are usually off site coaching, training and undertaking one-on-one student visits. However, MD John called a staff meetimg for today and we only had one person who couldn't make it (but only at the last minute through illness), so we were really happy about that! Manny didn't get an invite - he was just lounging around in his confined space.

Can't tell you what was talked about at our meeting but one thing we did do was present Angela Bruce with her Certificate III in Business which she completed through a traineeship. There's a much better photo of her on our website so check it out!!

Angela receiving her qualification
John B and Orlando
After the meeting we had a scheduled photo shoot with Harrison Oakley from The Best of Bunbury. He was accompanied by photographer Ben Yew who took promotional photos of us for The Best of Bunbury website.

As they were individual photos, we had heaps of time to hang around the photocopier catching up on each others news and have a chat with John B and Orlando taking the opportunity to catch up on local events making the news.

We look forward to seeing our photos up on The Best of Bunbury website and facebook page and having another full staff meeting in another couple of months!

CTS - where your training matters

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Manny farewells his mate Sheryl

It's my mate Sheryl's last day today and I am very sorry to see her leave. She has helped me no end on my Confined Space Entry courses and taken me to all sorts of places to help her with her training (and I know I have been an invaluable asset!). So, not only will I miss her very much, I will miss getting out of that dratted confined space!

We all had a lovely lunch at Mangroves Cafe today to say goodbye and we even bought her a present which we hope she will enjoy. She has said that she will come and see us again but it just can't be soon enough for me. Farewell and good luck for the future me mate.

CTS - where your training matters

Monday, 23 July 2012

Manny visits Rockpool Bar & Grill, Burswood

Wagyu Corned Silverside
Wagyu Beef Fillet
After the harrowing experience with Karen and John down Albany way on the weekend, I went with my mate to Neil Perry's Rockpool Bar & Grill at the Burswood Entertainment Complex in Perth for today.

WOW! Check out what I had for lunch!!!!! Divine.We tried to fit in 3 courses each but there was just way too much food to do that. A truly magnificent experience, highly recommended. Check them out - the menu is on the website.

Passionfruit Pavlova

Rhubarb, Strawberry, Almond Pudding

It's a shame we don't train in hospitality - we could have meals like
this for lunch every day!

CTS - where your training matters

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Manny joins the Williams at the Stirling Range National Park

Am enjoying a visit at the Stirling Range National Park with Karen and John. At least, I was enjoying myself until John tried to ditch me at Mount Trio!!

Karen and I travelled down on the bus as John was in Albany already conducting a safety audit at one of the Primary Schools and it was a very pleasant trip down. Lots of chatting, looking out the window, listening to the Ipod and playing Angry Birds on the iPad. I am so glad I have that iPad - when I'm hanging around in the confined space it really does help to pass the time!

The 3 of us tramped all through the National Park enjoying the flora and fauna and tried to climb as many of the peaks as we could. Just a couple of the photos are shown below.

I'm off to Perth at the end of the weekend to catch up with my mate but don't tell John as I am just going to disappear when he least expects it! We'll see if he even notices . . . .

 CTS - where your training matters

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Manny's take on Training Manager Rahbia Sultani

Rahbia started with CTS full time in February 2011 as the Learning and Development Team Leader and now provides guidance to our trainers, assessors, contract staff and receptionist as Training Manager. Before moving to the South West she was employed in the Wheatbelt in the Vocational Education and Training sector - both Public and Private Training Providers, Australian Apprenticeship Centers and Group Training.

Rahbia's move to the South West mid-2010 was to take up a commonwealth contract to provide mentoring services to apprentices who were considered at risk of non-completion during the stage of their apprenticeship in which it was most likely to occur - within their first 3 months, when they are aged 15 - 21. She provided these services to 640 apprentices from Albany to Naval Base and was happy to know that she had ensured a significant number continued on their trade pathway.

Having such well rounded skills and knowledge of the industry makes her a valued employee - she works closely with the senior management team of the business and ensures that all projects are on track and that all members of our team are well supported to deliver the high quality service that CTS is renowned for. In addition, she helps maintain our RTO compliance - we're up for an audit shortly so that's been pretty helpful!!

When not in the office, Rahbia is out and about assisting our trainers with their SafeStart component of the BHP Blue Leadership Program deliveries in Newman, Port Hedland and Perth. She also helps with on and off-site project delivery and other services ranging from discussing training options to securing work and undertaking AQTF audits.
Rahbia's qualifications include the Certificate IV in Business and the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and is currently completing her Certificate IV in Human Resources.

When not busy on CTS's behalf, Rahbia likes spending time with her family, working on their house and property, building and tending to the vegie patch, cooking ethnic cuisine, watching the young fella play soccer and letting her hair down at every opportunity!!!

CTS - where your training matters

Friday, 6 July 2012

Combined Team Services - The Best of Bunbury Training Organisation

Karen and John Williams now The Best of Bunbury
Whilst Manny was helping Orlando with the students in the Safety Representative course this morning, we had a visit from Harry Oakley from The Best of Bunbury.

Harry has been collecting evidence over the past few weeks to see if local opinion believes CTS is The Best of Bunbury training organisation. With his research indicating this is the case, he asked us to come on board and we were happy to do so!

We will proudly display our membership certificate when it arrives and in the mean time put on our car and building stickers.

The Best of Bunbury website features information about services within Bunbury including names, addresses, contact details and maps for everything local in Bunbury. Sign up as a member on the site and you can access discount vouchers from the various member businesses that have been recommended and validated by The Best of Bunbury team.

CTS - where your training matters

Monday, 25 June 2012

Manny does another FIFO stint but this time shorter and in the Pilbara

Am enjoying a few days in the Pilbara, again there is red dirt as far as you can see but a different red altogether to the Goldfields as this soil contains iron ore!

This time I am not doing any training, just helping one of the other trainers "sign-up" resource processing trainees from this minesite. We are curently signing up Certificate III and Certificate IV level trainees and it has been a fun few days being taken over the plant and being introduced to all the people we will be training, I love this job!

Not sure if I will be sent up again as not really my area of expertise but I do love a challenge! However, we need to send industry-relevant trainers so unless I get to carry the bags, it might not happen for me again on this site so here are some photos!

Can't tell you which site and can't show photos that are too easily identifiable but these will give you a general idea of the terrain.
Series of conveyor belts

CTS - where your training matters