Friday, 27 July 2012

CTS Staff Meeting and Photo Shoot

It is not often that we can gather all our staff members in one place at one time as so many of them are usually off site coaching, training and undertaking one-on-one student visits. However, MD John called a staff meetimg for today and we only had one person who couldn't make it (but only at the last minute through illness), so we were really happy about that! Manny didn't get an invite - he was just lounging around in his confined space.

Can't tell you what was talked about at our meeting but one thing we did do was present Angela Bruce with her Certificate III in Business which she completed through a traineeship. There's a much better photo of her on our website so check it out!!

Angela receiving her qualification
John B and Orlando
After the meeting we had a scheduled photo shoot with Harrison Oakley from The Best of Bunbury. He was accompanied by photographer Ben Yew who took promotional photos of us for The Best of Bunbury website.

As they were individual photos, we had heaps of time to hang around the photocopier catching up on each others news and have a chat with John B and Orlando taking the opportunity to catch up on local events making the news.

We look forward to seeing our photos up on The Best of Bunbury website and facebook page and having another full staff meeting in another couple of months!

CTS - where your training matters

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