Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Manny's update on Managing Director John Williams

Our Managing Director, John, has been extremely busy since I introduced you to him in January this year. The best thing though is that I'm seeing a lot more of him than in previous years!

Up until about July he was still flying in and out of Port Hedland coaching every second week at BHP. He's been doing that for 3 years so it's about time he had a break so he only goes up there every now and then although the other John is still doing regular stints.

Without this commitment he has been able to devote more time to sourcing new business and doing classroom training for our bigger clients and one-on-one training with some of our students - areas in which he excels and enjoys. He's one of our main trainers in the Skill Set for Mining Supervisors and the course is proving really popular in the South West at the moment (he's off to Tom Price next month) so there must be more mining activity in the pipeline, which can only be good for the WA economy.

He and Karen really enjoy getting out of the office and training on sites that necessitate the taking of the CTS caravan. July saw them in Boddington training in the 5 day Safety Representative course and also conducting audits in Manjimup and Albany. You may remember seeing my blog of our trip to the Stirling Range National Park towards the end of that month - we had a great time. In fact, John and Karen are off again at the end of this week to undertake safety audits in Manjimup and Albany but they've said I can't tag along - never mind, I'll find something else to do.

Although John's calendar is pretty full, he is always happy to talk to past, present and future students and clients so just give him a call (9791 6611), email him or contact him through his LinkedIn account.

CTS - where your training matters

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