Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Manny's final words for 2011

Thought I would just wish you all a very happy and safe festive season and let you see me in my new hat! Thank you very much Lisa for my pressie!

I'm really looking forward to 2012 as there are lots of exciting things coming up at Combined Team Services so there will be plenty to fill you in on. So, don't forget to come back in January to check it all out!

CTS - where your training matters


  1. Have a great break Manny. Are they letting you out of your confined space?

  2. Yep, I'm off down south to chuck a line in and will drink a few light ales. I'm swapping a confined space for an open space. Hoping my complicated love life sorts itself out while I'm away.

  3. Manny should be back at work next week, hope he had a great time down south. No-one has heard from him over the break so I am assuming he will be pumped to start the new year!
