Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Goldfields Minerals Processing Project - Rob Brogan, Lead Trainer

Although Manny and I are mainly involved in the training of Confined Space Entry (CSE), Working Safely at Heights (WSAH) and the Safety Representatives Course, other trainers and staff at Combined Team Services (CTS) have skills in different areas. Rob Brogan is primarily involved with our Resource Processing mining clients and is working on a major project to train 40 employees in either the Certificate III in Resource Processing or Certificate IV in Resource Processing from the one site. He makes regular flying visits to the Goldfields (in a very small plane!) to see the students and he sent me these photos showing one of  the bigger "toys" he stumbled across. He was most impressed that his head didn't touch the top of the tyre! Rob's time on site is spent observing, mentoring and training the students and customising the manuals to take in to account the various working conditions and site specific equipment. He is also available at our Bunbury offices on a regular basis for project work and catch-up time with his other students.

I'm just not tall enough
Hopefully there is no driver in there!
Before joining Combined Team Services, Rob worked at the Greenbushes mine site of Talison Minerals as a Process Operator but by the time he left he had also spent time as the Plant Co-ordinator.

Being passionate about safety and emergency response, Rob completed his Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety last year and is heavily involved in his local community having completed his Bush Fire Fighting Training and is a volunteer for his local Fire Station.

He enjoys passing on his knowledge to others so who knows what avenue he will pursue next! All of us at CTS enjoy his Scottish sense of humour so hopefully you will see him on our blog for some time to come.

CTS - where your training matters


  1. That is really great to know that if we have trainees that you would come to site. Will have to talk to our training department and see who does our training and see if they do the same. Thanks. Bob

  2. Hi Bob, just let us know if we can help you - we're only a phone call away! Thanks for reading the blog!
