Friday, 31 August 2012

Safety Rep Course running 3rd to 7th September 2012

Our ever popular Safety and Health Representative course is being held next week. Four trainers will be facilitating to ensure we cover all student learning styles and add variety to the learning experience!

This class is full to capacity so we have had to schedule ANOTHER course from the 24th to 28th September 2012 to cope with the overflow.

We've only just started advertising this new course date so be sure and get your enrolment in before it too is bursting at the seams!!

Call us 9791 6611 or email (Psst If you visit The Best of Bunbury website you can get a voucher that gives you a $150 discount - limited numbers available)

This interactive five day course provides the essential knowledge and skills that elected Safety Representatives and other relevant supervisory or management personnel require to work within legislation. Complete the course and you will receive your Statement of Attendance. Complete the course and the out-of-class assessment tasks set and you will also receive a Statement of Attainment for six of the units within the Certificate III in Occupational Health and Safety.

Morning tea, a light lunch, afternoon tea, a comprehensive workbook AND a bonus Hand-Pressing Flashlight are included in the cost of the course.

CTS - where your training matters

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Manny attends Moodle training

Hiding down the back but still concentrating hard!
Manny and eight of the CTS team started their Moodle training today with Pukunui Technology 's trainer Darlene - she took a photo to prove it!!

We've been using Moodle for a couple of years and slowly updating online courses. Demand has become so high for this training method that we are training up all staff to be able to create courses, enrol students and mark assessments - depending on their skill levels and areas of expertise. We can see huge potential in all aspects of the training we have received so far and are really excited to see what will evolve tomorrow!

With all the larger than life personalities in the room today, it was a mammoth task for Darlene to keep us on track but she coped admirably - hope she gets a good nights sleep tonight and is ready for another onslaught in the morning!

CTS - where your training matters

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Manny busily refurbishs our training room

Staff chair building excercise was on this afternoon - 12 new chairs for the training room. John "ikead" 3 of them earlier in the week but not quite enough for the training tomorrow - isn't it amazing that he is up at Finucane Island just when he is needed most????

 We had a huge office shuffle around last week and we are just loving the new look and who we are now sharing offices with! Couldn't do all that and not update the training room. 

Can you spot me???

CTS - where your training matters

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Manny enjoys the 1200th qualification celebration

We had a celebration today! 

We have issued more than 1200 qualifications since we began in 2002. Donna (sitting front right) was the lucky student to take out this honour and she travelled down from Perth today to celebrate with us. Thank you so much Donna and all the very best in your new career.

As well as being a great reason for us to have cake, it has enabled us to sit back and think about all we have achieved. John and Karen are proud of how their dream to be the "best" training and coaching organisation has become a reality. It has also shown us where our strengths as an organisation lie and what is still current in the workplace as far as training goes.

So, we currently specialise in training in Occupational Health and Safety, Vocational training (TAE), Human Resources, Management and Resource Processing. We believe that doing a few things really well and having a name for excellence are far better than trying to cover multiple learning areas and maybe not being so great at it. You can be sure that we are continuously improving our delivery strategies and methods in response to feedback we receive from corporate and individual clients. If you have feedback, positive or negative, PLEASE let us know so that we can continue to improve.

CTS - where your training matters

Monday, 27 August 2012

Manny celebrates issuing 1200 nationally recognised qualifications since 2002

We're celebrating tomorrow!!!

CTS recently issued our 1200th qualification since becoming an RTO in 2002. We're pretty happy with this achievement both for ourselves and for our successful students - I'm still working on mine so I am just happy for all of us!

If you've studied through CTS or are thinking that you might like to, then come on down and see us on Tuesday (tomorrow)! We'll have cake in the morning and choccie bikkies in the afternoon! PLUS we'll have "freebies" like caps, torches, stubby holders and pens to give away all day.

So, come on down and make sure you say Manny sent you!
CTS - where your training matters

Thursday, 23 August 2012

TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment - Conducting Workplace Training Workshop

Jeanette Denham is kept really busy building our online courses and facilitating workshops in the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. This qualification reflects the role of individuals delivering training and assessment services in the vocational education and training (VET) sector. Today and tomorrow she is taking students through the learning outcomes of TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction and TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace.

As you can see, we keep our class sizes small to ensure that each student receives individualised training and because of this we have a high course completion rate as well as a great referral rate!!

Now that we have restructured our course, students are finding that if they work steadily that they can complete their qualification within two to three months - a great outcome for both them and us!! More and more often, online learning is being requested by prospective students and we are really happy to assist them with this service for this qualification.

Call (9791 6611), email (, message ( or comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible with any information that you need.

CTS - where your training matters

Monday, 6 August 2012

TAE40110 - Designing Training workshop held today

Jeanette Denham
Our first group of students commenced the new TAE40110 Designing Training workshop today. All had completed the compulsory online common module that takes them through the common components of the course to ensure they have an understanding of the underpinning knowledge of the qualification so they were up to "speed" as soon as the day started.

Jeanette Denham facilitated the training and also created the new course layout and she said she was very happy with the way the day went. The two units covered in this workshop are TAEDES401A Design and develop learning programs and TAEDES402A Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs. There are another eight (8) units that need to be completed before our students can be awarded the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

The best thing about our new course is that once you have completed the online common module you can commence your study with any of the four workshops. We have TAE40110 - Conducting Workplace Training scheduled for the 23rd and 24th August 2012 (2 units), TAE40110 - Conducting Group Training on the 12th and 13th September 2012 (2 units) and TAE40110 - Assessing Nationally Recognised Training on the 23rd, 24th and 25th October 2012 (3 units). This last workshop is also a skill set of its own - the Workplace Assessor Skill Set. One unit will still need to be completed and this can either be done online or it may be possible to credit transer (at nil cost) one unit from an approprate existing qualification you hold.

Additional dates for all the workshops will be advertised soon so call us on 9791 6611 to get started on your VET training career.

CTS - where your training matters