Thursday, 20 October 2011

Enter and work in a confined space training - 26th October 2011

Manny is really looking forward to next week as he has an Enter and work in a confined space course to participate in on Wednesday 26th October 2011.

Safe and sound!
He and Sheryl will be running the training and there will be a maximum of eight students to get through the course in the one day. The smaller class size means that there is more one-on-one training with each student and there is time for all participants to gain a thorough knowledge base of all aspects of the unit. Plus there is time for everyone to try all the various pieces of safety equipment covered by the course.

The training cost covers all theory and practical training, a workbook, catering for the day (Cafe Panini supplies our lunches), a Statement of Attainment and wallet card of the nationally recognised unit.

PLUS you may be eligible for a subsidy from the Construction Training Fund.

There are still a couple of places available on the course so contact us now if you need this training.
CTS - where your training matters

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Skill Set for Mining Supervisors - BHP Contractor Course

Great news! We have now scheduled the Skill Set for Mining Supervisors course at our Bunbury office on the 2nd and 3rd November 2011.

The four units covered by the course are a pre-requisite for all supervisory contractors wishing to work on a BHP site. On successful completion of these nationally recognised units you will receive a Statement of Attainment and a wallet card to show your compliance.

The cost of the course includes a comprehensive learning manual and catering both days. Parking is available on site.

Comments made by previous students in answer to the question "What were the best aspects of the training?"
  • Learning how to do the paperwork side of things and learning how to do a presentation.

  • The overall presentation. New tools and skills I gained.

  • Interaction and getting new ideas. Making me get out of comfort zone. Appreciating the requirements of the company to go ahead.

  • Group discussions and feed backs from practical tasks.
Numbers are limited so enrol today and get your BHP compliance for your supervisors.

Our phone and email contacts are on our website

CTS - where your training matters

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Safety Rep Course comes with a bonus St John's First Aid Kit

As Manny is off-site at the moment he has asked me to let you all know about our upcoming Safety Rep Course that is being run in November - the 21st to the 25th.

Our interactive five day course provides the essential knowledge and skills that elected Safety Representatives and other relevant supervisory/management personnel require to work within legislation. By completing the course and being found competent in the assessment set at the end of the week, you will gain partial completion of the Certificate III in Occupational Health and Safety (BSB30707) and receive a Statement of Attainment for 6 of the 12 units with your Certificate of Attendance. If you decide not to undertake the additional task you will still receive your Certificate of Attendance for completing the course.

The cost of our course this November includes 5 days of training, a comprehensive workbook, free assessment against six nationally recognised units of the Certificate III in Occupational Health and Safety and morning tea, a light lunch and afternoon tea on all 5 days of the course. As a BONUS and in the interests of promoting safe work practices we are giving all participants on this course date a FREE St John's First Aid Kit for their car once all course fees have been paid and the course completed.

PLUS you may be eligible to receive a subsidy through the Construction Training Funding.

Please access the CTS Training Calendar on our website to see costs and dates of upcoming Safety Rep Courses.

CTS - where your training matters

Thursday, 13 October 2011

National Bike to Work Day - 12th October 2011

We at CTS really like to get behind the events happening in our community and this year we once again joined the thousands across the nation cycling to work. This event is sponsored by Bike Western Australia with the following objectives: 
  • Getting More People Cycling More Often through our participation events, campaigning and community initiatives
  • Improving the health of Western Australians and our community
  • Serious Fun for Recreational Cyclists

That wasn't hard!

Naturally I led the charge cycling up the Highway and collected the rest of the team on my way to work - fortunately we live close to each other and close to work! But, being a competitive bunch we still had to race each other - following the road rules of course. I broke the tape first and the others limped in behind.

Exhaustion setting in

I put on such a sprint at the end that I toppled over and now I am definitely the CTS Crash Test Dummy.

Over I go!

CTS - where your training matters

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Enter and Work in a Confined Space training in Busselton

On Monday Sheryl and I went to the Busselton Waste Water Treatment Plant to help some of the team get their Enter and Work in a Confined Space (RIIOHS202A) competency.

The weather was great, the water very blue and the confined space stuffy. SO stuffy in fact that I collapsed and had to be rescued by some of my course mates with their newly discovered skills. The Senior First Aiders in the group administered CPR (my ribs are still hurting) but I am happy to report that I made a miraculous recovery without the aid of the smelling salts. So I was able to join the CTS team on our annual "Bike to Work" on Wednesday, which was a relief as they couldn't have done it without me.

Oh yes, we found them all competent and then the guys went on to do Work Safely at Heights (RIIOHS204A) with Murray the following day.
CTS - where your training matters

Monday, 10 October 2011

Skill Set for Mining Supervisors - Nationally Recognised Training

Hi Jim in answer to your query in the comments on the last post,

The Combined Team Services course "Skill Set for Mining Supervisors" contains the four units of competency that comply with the requirements needed by Supervisors to work on BHP and other mine sites. The units offered are RIICOM301A Communicate information, RIIRIS301A Apply risk management processes, RIIBEF402A Supervise on-site operations and BSBMGT401A Show leadership in the workplace. Our trainers can deliver the program over 2 or 3 days on your site or ours as long as you have a suitable training venue and we can customise the course to suit your safety requirements. If you already have the skills and knowledge required to be assessed against the four units of competency you may be able to utilise our comprehensive online RPL service - just call or email us and we can guide you through the process.

We have offered the course on site in the goldfields and Perth as well as in our Bunbury training rooms so I am sure we will be able to accommodate you - just contact us through here and we can take it from there.

Thanks for asking about the course, I hope I have been helpful!

CTS - where your training matters